Washcloth cakes make a great gift for a wedding shower or wedding.  These cakes are made ot things you can never have to much of.  They make great centerpiecs for the shower or the reception. 

A small washcloth cake contains 36 washcloths wrapped in ribbon and flowers to match the wedding.  They also contain a 3 pack of tumblers, measuring spoons, spatulas, wooden spoons, and a set of cooking utensils.  All items are subject to availability.  These cakes start at $90.

A large washcloth cake contains 90 washcloths in 3 tiers wrapped in ribbon and flowers ot match the wedding.  They also contaion a 3 pack of tumblers , measuring spoons, spatulas, wooden spoons, a set of cooking utensils, and a candle.  All items are subject  to availability.  These cakes start at $120

All washcloth cakes are subject to availibility and prices may increase if you choose to add more product to your cake.

Custom embroidery is also available for these cakes and is $10 for every 3 items embroidered.

It is best to order these cakes at least 2 weeks in advance to ensure on time delivery.  They can be placed further in advance if you so choose.